Thursday, December 2, 2010

1. I learn best when I get the big picture right away and not when we go through it step by step. When I get  information I need to I read it by myself first. Then when I don't understand I go and ask the teacher for help. I learn the best by doing an active activity in the class, because I like being active.

2. I need to work and focus more in class. When I get work in class that I need to do, I get distracted by other people. I try to work very hard and it works most of the time. But sometimes I still get distracted by other people and then I go around and distract other people that are working until I come and distract them. Something else I need to work on is that I need to be sitting still during class. As I said before I like to move a lot but I am always trying my hardest to sit still and focus and work hard during classes.

3. The strategies that would help me in my learning is that I can listen first for a while then I need to do something by myself for example practice or do a lab because otherwise I will get distracted. Like at home when I do my homework I get rid of everything that can distract me before I start.

4. I would like my teachers to know that it said on my profile that I am good at music like instruments. It also said that I was good at arts, like drawing stuff. I'm good at instruments and I like music because it makes me relax a lot. I disagree with that I am good at art because I have always had trouble with drawing . I have always been into music but not really art.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The benefits of working with a classmate.

The benefits of working with a class mate is that you don't have to do everything by yourself. When you have done your part of the work then you can ask you partner to check it and see if you can make it better in any kind of way. Even before you start working on your lit circle the two of you can talk about the book and you can help each other with ideas to write about. It is more fun to work with a partner than work alone.

Challenges / obstacles which you overcame (tried to overcome).

Things that I have tried to overcome is that  I don't need to be stressed. I was stressed last time because my partner hadn't done his work that he was supposed to do and it was only two days left. I realized that I need to trust my partner and he needs to be able to do it in his own way. If you don't think your partner is doing his work than you should tell them that in a nice way. This can make you stressful.

 New understandings that you gained about the novel.

When your partner and you are discussing about the book then you get to know how they think about the novel. Than when you know how they think about the novel then you might change your understanding about the novel of your book. I think that me and my partner discussed too little about how we thought this time. I didn't gain so many new understandings about the novel.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

1. How you discussion helped your understanding of the novel. 2. Connections that you made during your discussion 3. Predictions

1. How your groups discussion helped your understanding of the novel.

The discussion helps me understand the novel a lot. When we discuss what we think is important in the book I get to know what the other people think about it. I got to know that Brian was not a person that gave up that easily. If Brian was not a person that gave up easily then he must be a fighter which he was. For example he was brave enough to try to land the airplane even though he was thinking that he would die. This information I could add to my own thoughts. It helps me to understand Brian.

2. Connections that you made during your discussion

I have made many different connections when we have discussed what have happened in the book. Some connections were sad, some happy, and some were good and bad. For example when we talked about the divorce I remembered a friend in Sweden and his parents were divorced and he was really sad for months.  Another connection that I didn't think of before the discussion was when one person in our group said that the pilot died right away I thought of my grandfather. Just like the pilot died instantly so did my grandfather. My grandfather did not die of a heart attack but a embolism in his brain.

3. Predictions

Our group prediction was that we thought that Brian was going to be attacked by some animal. We had many different thoughts about what was going to happen to Brian. One of our groupmembers said that Brian wouldn't find enough food to survive. When the person said that I made a prediction. The prediction was Brian would survive but he would also be attacked by a snake or another animal. What I learned about this is together you make a different prediction than each person makes by them self. When one person males a predictions the other people can build on it or question it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

 Malaysia is right on the equator and it's pretty warm here almost every day. In Malaysia it's pretty much summer all year long and the climate is very stable. Being very close to the equator it rains almost every day. As Malaysia also have a lot of flat land it makes it good for farming. In the start they mostly did rise farming. Malaysia has hills where it's colder so they can also farm tomatoes, tea, strawberries and many other vegetables.

Malaysia has many natural resources. Malaysia had rubber trees so they could get a lot of rubber from it. They have a lot of tin too and it is a sort of metal and they used that very well. Malaysia have palm oil that they need for food. They got the oil from palm trees that they planted. Later on they discovered gas and oil out side Borneo. All of these resources are sold to other countries.

I think that Malaysia became wealthy because the geographic location and the climate gave Malaysia a really good food supply. The good food supply is the bases for the country to develop.  Another thing that makes Malaysia wealthy is that Malaysia has many natural resources. These resources are sold to many other countries and then Malaysia gets money to buy anything that they don't have and build hospitals and schools. All this help Malaysia to develop.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Write a narrative from the point of view from a mud skipper when Team 6A students descended on the mangroves to plant saplings.

Last week I was just playing around in the mud with my friends but then we heard some strange noises.Well, me and my friends kept on playing but then.... we saw some giants and they were screaming so loud. A few seconds later a man told the kids to quiet down. Oh sorry I forgot to tell you who I am. My name is Freddy but you can call me Fred, I live in the mud under the ground. So let me go on with what I have told you so far. The man told them to quiet down and then he showed them how to plant a mangrove tree? What is a mangrove tree? Anyways when the man had finished to show them he walked and showed them where to plant  the trees.

A few minutes later the giants started to walk where we were playing!! They nearly stepped on Tim and Jesper when we were running away. We were watching how the giants walked in the mud and the three first giants got stuck in the mud and it was so funny as they were trying to get loose. It was hilarious to see the giants fall over and how they got stuck when they were on their way to plant the mangrove tree.  A few minutes after the giants had planted the trees there were people starting to play with the mud and they put it on their friends.

One hour after there started to be very few giants to walk in the mud so me and my friends decided to go out on the big area where the giants had been walking and falling.There were still some giants left to plant the mangrove trees so we had to watch out for where they stepped. When the last giant was about to plant the mangrove tree he walked so fast the he stepped on Jesper!!!! Then we ran to Jesper but we were to late. When the giant came back, even faster this time he stepped on Tim first then on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I saw a time a kid got bullied at recess and I was thinking that they were playing at first. But then I saw the group of kid's started punshing the kid to the wall. I saw the kid that was to the wall was hurt and scared of the group of guy's that I knew because I was friends with them.  I was just standing there and watching what they did to him. At last they said to the kid that he had to get it for the person  that the bullied the kid  at lunch and the kid was " Yes, Yes, Yes I'll have it at lunch." Then the group pusihed him down to the ground and then they walked off. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A time when you showed Courage

A time when I showed courage is  when I came here for the first time. The first day of school I needed to go on the bus. I did not know anyone on the bus or at the school. I did not tell me parents that I was scared to go on the bus alone, for the whole bus ride I was sitting alone.

When I got to school I was scared and I didn't know where to go so I asked the people around me. Finally I got to my class room and saw all the other students there. For the whole day I was as quiet as I could be. When it was time to go to lunch some of the other students in my class showed me around the school. They showed me where the P.E gym was and where the music room was.

When the school day was over I was so happy :D. When I got home my parents were asking me if everything was good and I said yes but they kept asking me how it was and if I liked the school and I said yes. They still kept asking me still and I was like thinking it was so annoying. I was scared but I didn't want to make them worried

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

The artifacts tell us that the early humans had more knowledge than we might think.  The cave paintings on the roof tell us about how they lived, hunted and other stories about their life. In the paintings you can see that the early humans used different tools to hunt or make a fire or to make the food. This means that they can use tools to help them just like our tools help us. I got interested by the spear thrower and how they used it.

I think that the spear thrower belonged to someone that might be a leader or someone else that the clan needed. I think that the tools they used for the cave paintings must be hard to paint with, don't you think? What tools did they have? Did they have tools for getting wood, did they have tools to get water to their clan or family?

The tools that the early humans used needed to be made of someone, right? The clan had properly two or five people doing the tools for the clan.They must have made the tools by hand because they did not have any machines in that time. We have  machines that do tools for us right now but they did not. I think it might have taken along time for the people making the tools.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Second Blog Post

I would like to be a archaeologists because I would like to travel around the world to look for and find old things  and learn a lot more stuff about what happened in the past. Just imagine to find bones from a dinosaur or a cave with paint in it from like 600 years ago. I like to find old things from the past and study them. I think that you could learn a lot about today from studying the past. You can understand better what happens today if you know what happened in the past and why it happened.  

I would chose an  archaeologists because I don't want to sit in an office all day long and look at papers. An archaeologists is outside and they get to work with their hands and not only having the technology do their work for them. I think a good job for me is a job when you work inside an office and you also work outside somewhere in the world and you work with your hands.  
I got the idea to be a  archaeologists form a movie. The movie is called Jurassic Park. It's about people studying dinosaurs and they learn a lot of new things about all the dinosaurs. I saw all the Jurassic Park movies. I liked the movies and I thought it ould be interesting to be an archaeologists.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My First Blog Post.

I'm Olle and im from sweden. I have lived in sweden my whole life until I was 9 years old. I lived in Bromma tills my family moved to malaysia. I'm a sporty guy and i like to be activ. I like alot of sports, like soccer, basketball, baseball, and ice hockey. I started play Ice hockey when I was 7 years old. I like Ice hocky but it got hader when i got older because we were training every day. Soccer training was was fun but also hard. The fun part in soccer training was that u me your friend's, but the hard part was that we were runing all the time and if we did not do the things we were suppose to do we had to do 10-20 push up! When i moved to malaysia I started to play basketball and baseball and first I did kind of like but after I really liked it and i still do. My sister used to play basketball in sweden but now she is playing soccer and I'm plaing basketball so it's kind of like we chanced sports.

The last books I read are, OutCast by Michelle Paver and and Soul Eater and it also writen by Michelle Paver. I like the last two books I read they were fun to read and alot of things happened in the books I read.
The last movie I saw was How ti kill a moking bird. It was good because they were trying to solv some thing that have happendand they were blaming a black man that did not thing actually. But on that time the white people did not like the colored people so they blamed the black man. My academic goal is to be better at math and spanish. I want to be better at math because I want to learn more than i already now. I want to be alot better at spanish because i have a hard time learning another langue.

i want to help more than i did befor do more things at home aslo.My vacation memory was to meet all my old friends and meet my grandfather and grandmother. I meet my old friends the first two week. Me and my friends were just playing soccer. Then the rest of vacation i was on the west cost.

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