Monday, March 7, 2011

How is Will just like you?...... :)

There are three ways how Will is just like me that I found out while I was reading The White Mountains :

One way how Will is just like me is that he has never seen a watch before so he took it from his dad's cupboard because he was curious. I would have done the same if I had never seen a watch before. I would have taken the watch and run away with it somewhere and then i would sit down and study it. Then after I had studied it I would have put it back just like Will. I am very curious too.

Will decided to run away to the white mountains and he packed everything a head of the game so he was ready for the journey. I would have done the same thing. I would have packed a bag pack so I could just go and grab it and run away when it was time to do so. When there is something I really want to do I try to plan ahead.

I would have said yes to Henry as well because if I didn't let him come with me he would probably set the alarm off and I would have been thinking that way to. But Í am a bit different from Will because I like to have company, someone to talk to.

This is how Will is just like me.

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