Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A time when you showed Courage

A time when I showed courage is  when I came here for the first time. The first day of school I needed to go on the bus. I did not know anyone on the bus or at the school. I did not tell me parents that I was scared to go on the bus alone, for the whole bus ride I was sitting alone.

When I got to school I was scared and I didn't know where to go so I asked the people around me. Finally I got to my class room and saw all the other students there. For the whole day I was as quiet as I could be. When it was time to go to lunch some of the other students in my class showed me around the school. They showed me where the P.E gym was and where the music room was.

When the school day was over I was so happy :D. When I got home my parents were asking me if everything was good and I said yes but they kept asking me how it was and if I liked the school and I said yes. They still kept asking me still and I was like thinking it was so annoying. I was scared but I didn't want to make them worried


  1. Your blog was good but it could have been a little bit longer maybe a few more details and examples. There were very few errors except the end needed a full stop. What was the bus like who was on it who were your friends. Did you like the gym and the music room what did it look like. Who told you where your classroom was where was it. What happened that day where did you go. Those type of questions would make this writing piece a lot better but other wise it was really good!

  2. Hi Olle! Your blog post was great and I bet so many of us can relate to your story! After reading it I felt like I wanted to know more old were you and what grade were you in when this happened? After I read it I also wanted to know more about how you thought you showed courage in that situation. Overall I really enjoyed reading your blogpost because it was a great story and the same exact thing happened to me.
