Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year Resolution's

My New Year Resolutions are

I want to do all the work I get to be handed in on time so I don't have to do it all over again. When I get the assignment I should give it in when it's due or before it's due. In 6th grade so far I have had to do 2 assignments over which didn't take long at all, but instead of doing it over I could have been with friends. It's not fun because when you have to do it over your parents will always tell you that you have to do the work you are missing, and it's not fun.

My other New Year Resolution is to beat my sister's record for 200m running. What I need to do to achieve this goal is that I need to run and train more so I can get faster. I need to eat healthier food and not a lot of junk food, but I can still eat some junk food.

During the holiday, me and my family stayed here to celebrate Christmas for the first week. We spent Christmas eve with our neighbors. Then on Sunday morning we got to the airplane that took us to New Zealand. The first day in New Zealand we took it easy. On the third day we were going to see whales but it was canceled the whole day because it was too windy so we couldn't. The fourth day we swam with dolphins and it was a lot of fun.

 The second week we were hiking up on the mountains for three days. The hiking was fun but the first day was not really a nice day because it was raining a lot. The two other days we had really nice weather. When we were up on the mountains we had a beautiful view of the trees and the hills. The food we had with us was okay but the breakfast was terrible. When we got back from the hiking we went back to Queenstown and the next day we went to try to see the whales and this time we got to see them.   This is what my holiday was about. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Olle
    I like your goals, especially the second one. The first one is a good one to work on and can help later on in life. Your vacation sounds cool I wish I could go with you.

