Thursday, March 17, 2011

blogpost 3 ;)

1. How were the Tripods able to control the people? The tripods control the people by these small metal things that they put on their heads. Example " The difference was in his white shaved head, on which the darker metal tracery of the cap stood out like a spider web" pg# 16 2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped. Evidence " She asked about my health- I told her I was very well- and if I were happy at the castle. I assured her that I was. Then she said: "I am glad of that. Perhaps if you are happy, you will not want to leave us." pg# 119. This shows he was comfortable at the castle. Example "She had forgotten me already, in any sense that truly mattered. All her mind was concentrated on the tripods. Her master had called, and she was going to them gladly." pg #137 this shows that Will is frustrated. 3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped. Will feels fear when he hears about capping. Capping scared him so that he fled to the white mountains where he didn't have to be capped he hoped. Example "Why should the triopds take people away, and cap them? What right have they? They do it for our good. But I don't see why is has to happen. I'd sooner stay as I am." pg #18

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