Thursday, October 28, 2010

What role did geographic location and natural resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

 Malaysia is right on the equator and it's pretty warm here almost every day. In Malaysia it's pretty much summer all year long and the climate is very stable. Being very close to the equator it rains almost every day. As Malaysia also have a lot of flat land it makes it good for farming. In the start they mostly did rise farming. Malaysia has hills where it's colder so they can also farm tomatoes, tea, strawberries and many other vegetables.

Malaysia has many natural resources. Malaysia had rubber trees so they could get a lot of rubber from it. They have a lot of tin too and it is a sort of metal and they used that very well. Malaysia have palm oil that they need for food. They got the oil from palm trees that they planted. Later on they discovered gas and oil out side Borneo. All of these resources are sold to other countries.

I think that Malaysia became wealthy because the geographic location and the climate gave Malaysia a really good food supply. The good food supply is the bases for the country to develop.  Another thing that makes Malaysia wealthy is that Malaysia has many natural resources. These resources are sold to many other countries and then Malaysia gets money to buy anything that they don't have and build hospitals and schools. All this help Malaysia to develop.

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